Why we grow our giving

AV/DataNews, Pastor

Does our Church talk enough about giving money? I think most Aussies believe in asking the question, I have said too much already! Some Churches of course talk a lot about giving. Ours? Not so much. There are lots of reasons we should speak more. Rev Melinda Cousins once gave nine reasons for how when we give financially we are:

  • acknowledging that everything we have comes from God 
  • serving God with our money rather than serving money as our god
  • trusting God to provide for all our needs
  • accepting our responsibility to share with others who are in need
  • believing that God’s purposes for our resources are greater than our own
  • participating in God’s mission in our community
  • working together to make our God-given vision a reality
  • expecting that God will bless us in far greater ways
  • hoping that our example will inspire others to give also

We need to grow our giving. Growing finances release more opportunity. With greater giving our dreams increase for what we can do with our property. With greater giving our imagination is stirred for how we enlarge our impact.

Thanksgiving Sunday is an opportunity to bring a financial gift, over and above our regular offering. This year we are seeking in faith a target of $70, 000. This money will be directed to mostly renovating the rear hall. I estimate this equates to 55 people/families giving over the next year an additional $25/week, or $100/month or $1300. This is part of growing our giving. With greater giving we hope for more, invest more, see more.

In Him,
